Happy Holiday Weekend,
This week’s training will focus on Achievement and Self-As-Context.
Achievement is the result of working toward and accomplishing goals, mastering your craft or a task you set out to do, and having the internal motivation to persevere. Having the internal, intrinsic motivation to strive towards a goal for the sake of the pursuit, improvement, growth, and connection has shown to increase flourishing and wellbeing.
Self-As-Context is the ability to take a step back and have a flexible perspective on what you think, feel, and do. The skill involved here is being able to notice the difference between the real you and the you that is being swept up in the waves of life. Imagine watching your experiences on film, like a football player rewatching their game. The process of taking this perspective allows you to make decisions that move you closer to your values and who you truly want to be.
Mental Fitness Workouts:
Focus Training: Memory & Concentration Brain Exercises
Check out this video by Jim Kwik
Practice one of the exercises that he demonstrates each day this week
Achievement: WOOP Goals
In a journal, on a notes app on your phone, or wherever you like:
Create a WOOP goal for your week. The following images will provide you a prompt and detailed information about how to effective set a WOOP goal
“Even the mundane task of washing dishes by hand is an example of the small tasks and personal activities that once filled people’s daily lives with a sense of achievements” - B.F. Skinner
Reflect: In the fast paced, hustle culture world that we live in today, how can this quote ground and support you in thinking about your wish for this upcoming week?
Back to the workouts:
Stress Training: Non Sleep Deep Rest
One afternoon this week, when you are starting to feel a dip in your energy, take a break and put on this:
Ten Minute Yoga Nidra to Reset Your Nervous System
Reflect: what changes are you noticing after you complete this exercise?
Self-As Context: Who am I?
Put a timer on your phone for 5 minutes
Silently observe the thoughts that are going on in your head
Ask yourself the following questions:
Am I the thoughts that are going through my head?
Or am I the one that is aware and listening to the thoughts going through my head?
Either answer these questions out loud to yourself or keep a tally on a piece of paper
Reflect: what did you learn about the difference between your thoughts and yourself?
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or feedback. I am happy to support you along your journey towards authentic happiness.
Be Easy,
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